Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Mins Cardio
then, 3 sets:
10 PVC strict press
10 PVC rotations
10 PVC front squats
10 scap pullups
10 scap pushups
0-15 Min RT
Shoulder Press (15 reps @ 80% for time)
15-30 Min RT
-This is the third week of the press progression. This week the reps get lower and the weight gets heavier.
-The weight on the bar should allow you to perform sets of minimum 3 reps at the beginning.
Metcon (Time)
8 RFT:
10 C2B pullups
8 Kipping HSPU
5 Front squats 135/95#
30-55 Min RT
GOAL: Push and pull gymnastics endurance
*Time Cap: 20 Mins*