Saturday, October 24th 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min cardio

2 min mobility


2 rounds

20 in and out plate hops

5 hand-release push-ups

10 good mornings

10 RDL

10 air squats

Then 5 reps of each workout movement with an empty bar


B: Metcon (Time)

Partner Chipper

*Buy in 300 DU

100 push-ups

80 Deadlifts 95/65

60 S2OH 95/65

40 thrusters 95/65

20 Squat clean 95/65

*Buy out 300 DU
1 partner working at a time. Switch off as needed.

***Partner not working holds a plank or wall sit

Cool down

Walk 200m