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Whitney Salvador
When did you join Peninsula CrossFit?
August 2012
What is your favourite WOD or movement?
Lift is deadlifts, and for gymnastics I like muscle ups, pistols, HSPU.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Right now, the fact that so far I’ve been able to keep working out and moving through my entire pregnancy. Overall, a 325# 1RM deadlift, and the work I’d been doing on muscle ups and handstand walks :).
Do you have any advice for someone just starting CrossFit?
Just get yourself through the door! The most common thing we hear is “I’m not fit enough to do CrossFit” or “Its too scary”. If all our Athletes came to us in tip top shape we wouldn’t be in business. We have a long list of scaling options for all movements to suit every level. For the scariness, nearly every single person who walks through the door, quickly realizes its a very welcoming community and not actually that scary at all!
What are your goals for this year?
For my own personal goals, just keep moving well and smart and set myself up for a smooth recovery postpartum! For our community, I enjoy watching our community grow and mature, and enjoy supporting our Athletes in achieving their goals. Lets hope we can get those gym doors re-opened soon!!