Friday August 13, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets of:

30 Sec Easy/30 Sec Medium/30 Sec Hard on Machine


3 Sets of:

5/5 Plank + Knee Drive (Hold 3-5 Sec)

5 Hand Release Push Ups


5 Good Mornings
0-15 Min RT

Deadlift (3-3-Max Reps)

15-30 Min RT

GOAL: High Intensity Day

3 @ 70%

3 @ 80%

Max Reps @ 90%

-Fight hard for your last few reps but do not fail.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 18 Min:

25′ Front Rack Walking Lunge @ 2 x 50/35 lbs

8 DB Facing Burpees

25′ Front Rack Walking Lunges

4 Bar Muscle Ups (6 C2B/8 Push Ups)
30-55 Min RT

GOAL: Pacing in workouts with different types of exercises.

-Focus on breathing in the lunges

-Modify distance/weight for lunges.