Mayhem Affiliate 11/02/2022

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Banded 7’s


6 min AMRAP

30-sec row/bike

5 Dumbbell Strict Press (each side)

20 Plate Hops

2. Workout Prep

1 set:

5/4 Calorie Row/bike

5 Dumbbell Push Press


Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

“Barney Rubble”


Every 4:00 (5 sets)

12/10 Calorie Row (8/7 cal bike)

24 Dumbbell Push Press (35s/25s)

12/10 Calorie Row


Every 4:00 (5 sets)

10/8 Calorie Row (7/5 cal bike)

20 Dumbbell Push Press (30s/20s)

10/8 Calorie Row


Every 4:00 (5 sets)

8/6 Calorie Row (5/4 cal bike)

10 Single Arm Push Press (each side)

8/6 Calorie Row

Target time each set: 1:45-2:15

Time cap each set: 3 minutes


Front Racked Barbell Box Step-Ups (3 sets of 14 (7/7)

* This is for quality, not for load! Light foot touch on the way down.)

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets


Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min Barbell Quad Smash (each)

1 min Lacrosse Ball Smash

1 min trap smash with Barbell (each side)
