Mayhem Affiliate 12/14/2022

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Run Warmup:

25′ walk on toes

25′ walk on toes backwards

25′ walk on heels

25′ walk – feet turned out

25′ walk – feet turned in

25′ lunge walk – arms locked out overhead

25′ lunge walk – torso twist towards forward leg

50′ butt kickers

50′ high knees


4 min AMRAP

2×25′ shuttle run

5 Kip Swings/scap pullups

3 Hips to bar/burpee pullups/ring rows

2. Workout Prep

1 set:

2 Bar Muscle Ups

2×25’ Shuttle Run (practice turning)

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



AMRAP 12 Minutes

4 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 8 Burpee Pull-ups)

10×25’ Shuttle Runs


AMRAP 12 Minutes

3 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 6 Burpee Pull-ups)

10×25’ Shuttle Runs


AMRAP 12 Minutes

8 Jumping Pull-ups/Ring Rows

8×25’ Shuttle Runs (6/4 cal bike)

Target number of Rounds: 6+ rounds

Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 5 rounds


Alt. Incline DB Bench

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight and stay the same or build across all sets heavy.

Weighted Hip Thrust

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets

Cooldown/Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min couch stretch (each side)

1 min Bicep Wall Stretch

1 min Seal Pose
