Monday september 14, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit


3 min light cardio

2 min mobility


3 rounds of:

10 scap pull ups

10 scap push ups

10 hollow rocks

3 inch worms


Complete each movement before moving on

1) 10,9, 8….1 Strict Handstand push-ups

2) 12, 10, 8…. 2 Strict Pull-ups

3) 3 x Max Pushups

4) 4x 12-16 bent over rows

Superset skull crushers and curls

5) 4x 15-20 reps Laying skull crushers

6) 4x 15-20 reps Standing bicep curls

Stretch it out!


– 1X2 work to rest ratio for the first 4 movements

– bent over rows with barbell

– single DB for skull crushers and curls