Saturday March 13, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Join us on Zoom!
Smartphone: session ID 8797865035

Poster Warm Up (No Measure)

-Pick a Row, Run or Skip

-Pick three movements and do 15 reps.

-Vary movements each workout.

-5 min mobility
0-15 Min RT

Thruster (4-3-2-2)

15-25 Min RT

5 Min to find a 2 rep max Thruster

Front Squat (3 x 3 Paused @ 75% 1-2-X-0)

25-35 Min RT

-Quality reps.

1 Sec Down

2 Sec At Bottom

eXplode Up

0 Sec At Top

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Tabata Chipper

-20 Sec Work/10 Sec rest until you finish

20 Pistols

30 Push Ups

40 Sit Ups

40 Box Jumps

30 Pull Ups

20 Lungesters
35-55 Min RT

Your score is the round of Tabata you finished all the work in.