Teens Class – Thu, Sep 15

Peninsula CrossFit – Teens Class

Warm Up

3 min run


6 min amrap:

4 Wall Balls

4 KB Swings

:30 sec Jump Rope

2 Power Cleans + 3 Push Jerk (* Complete a set every 90 seconds *
* Complete the power cleans in singles)

2 Power Cleans + 3 Push Jerk (@60-70% of 1RM)

Metcon (Checkmark)

EMOM for 18 minutes

1.8 Box Jumps

2. 8 Wall Balls

3. 8 KB Swings

* Add 2 Box Jumps each round

* Add 2 Wall Balls and 2 KB Swings each round

* If an athlete does not complete required work in time frame, they will continue to work EMOM and hold the last successful numbers