Thursday January 23, 2020

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min
Mobility: 1-2 Min
3 Sets of
50 SU
8 Bent Over Rows
8 Push Press
6 Kang Squats
w/ empty bar

Metcon (Weight)

3 Sets of:
8 Pistols Right
5 Single Leg Box Jump Right
8 Pistol Left
5 Single Leg Box Jump Left
Rest 60-90 Sec
Weight the pistols if you can.

Perfom pistols to a box or step downs.

We really want you to perform a one legged box jump, even if it is just inches.

Record weight and height on white board.

Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:
12 Hang Power Clean
9 Front Squat
Rest 30 Sec
**15 Min Time Cap**

We MUST perform all of the barbell movements unbroken. If we do not then we are not getting the benefit of this workout, which is to cycle.

Breaking between HPC and FS is acceptable, but shouldn’t be our go to. If you break mid move CHOOSE a lighter weight.

RX’d: 135/95

Variation 1:
Modified HSPU

Variation 2:
Push Press