Thursday June 17, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Join us on Zoom!
Smartphone: session ID 8797865035

Metcon (No Measure)

2-3 Sets:

2 Min Row or Bike

25′ Bear Crawl

5/5 Dead Bug (Hold for 3 Sec)

5 Scap Pulls

5 Burpees
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM 9 Min:

Min 1: 3 Weighted Strict Pull Ups

Min 2: 5 Slam Ball + Vertical Jump

Min 3: 3-6 Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
15-30 Min RT

Be flexible with the movements, reps, and difficulty.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:


Burpee to 6″ Target

Wallball Sit-Ups

Cal Machine
30-55 Min RT

GOAL: Core and upper body endurance.

-Consistency on burpees.

-Unbroken sit ups.

-Leg drive on machine.

12 Min Time Cap