Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 60 (No Measure)
2 Lengths of Bear Crawls
15 Push Ups
2 Lengths of Crab Walks
15 Jump Squats
2 lengths of Burpee Broad Jump
15 Beat Swings/Ring Rows
30 Sec Goblet Squat Pose
30 Sec Crab Pose
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Min 1: 2 Prowler Push/Pull
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Min 3: 45 Double Unders
Min 4: Plank 30 Sec
Scale 1:
10 Burpees
30 DU
Scale 2:
8 Burpees
80 Singles
GHD Work (No Measure)
3-5 Sets of:
5-10 Back Extension
5-10 GHD Sit Up
5-10 Hip Extension
Hip Hinge (Weight)
Strict T2B/Leg Raises
Reverse Hypers