Tuesday January 2, 2017

Warm Up 100 (No Measure)

3 Min Row

3 Rounds:

8 RIng Rows

8 Scap Pull Ups

8 Beat Swings



6 Worlds Greatest Stretch (/side)

6 Leg drop knee Hug (/side)

Front Squat (3×10)

Attempt to maintain but find a challenging weight.

First Degree (Time)


Wallballs (20/14)

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55)

Box Jumps (24/20)

Push Presses (75/55)

Calorie Row
Scale 1:


Scale 2:


@ 55/35


@ 16/10 lbs

*20 min Time Cap*

Corporate wellness

Corporate wellness programs are designed to support healthy behavior in the work space. Our goal is to improve the overall health of your employees.

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Empower your employees to take care of their health

We can help you with:

  • Your endless to-do list
  • Your struggles to get fit in the past
  • Your stress and tension
  • …and many more
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Benefits of corporate wellness program

Our clients see incredible results

  • Day One

    Increased brain functions and boosted mood

  • Month Three

    See-it-in-the-mirror results

  • Week One

    Improved energy and better health

  • Month Six

    Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart

  • Month One

    Increased metabolism, changes in muscle mass & overall fitness

  • One Year

    Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental heath

Here’s how to get started

Fill out the form
If you’re interested in getting started, click the button below
Make a plan
The head of our corporate wellness program will reach out to get a better understanding of your needs
See the results
A study by the RAND Institute found that the average ROI on corporate wellness programs is around 50%

Start here

Fill out the form to get in touch with our corporate wellness specialist
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