Tuesday January 7, 2020

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Mim
Mobility: 1-2 Min
2 Sets of:
10 Sit Ups/T2B
10 Air Squats/Jump Squats
10 Ring Row/Pull Ups
10 High Pull/KBS
(Set 1/Set 2)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata Chipper:
50 T2B
25 High Pull Goblet Squat @ 50/35
50 C2B
25 High Pull Goblet Squat @ 50/35
**30 Round Cap (that equals 15 min of work)**

Score is the working set you finished in of the 20 seconds on. Tabata is 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.

Variation 1:
30 T2B
@ 35/25
30 Pull Ups

Variation 2:
40 Sit Ups
@ 25/15
40 Ring Rows

Metcon (Weight)

30 Sec Weighted Plank
20 Sec/side Weighed Side Plank
Rest 60 Seconds