Tuesday July 13, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Join us on Zoom!
Laptop: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/879786503
Smartphone: session ID 8797865035

Warm-up (No Measure)

400m Run


3 Sets of:

5 Arch to Hollow

5 Scap Pulls

5 Beat Swings

5 Pull Ups


400m Run
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Unbroken Sets:

2-4 Strict Pull Ups

5-10 Kipping Pull Ups

3-5 Tempo Pull Ups

Rest 2-4 Min between sets
15-30 Min RT

Do not drop from bar.

Strict: Must Be Hard

Kipping: Mest be explosive

Tempo: Eccentric must be controlled

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Burpee Box Jumps @ 30/24″

OH Squats @ 95/65 lbs
30-55 Min RT

GOAL: Stamina

-Consistent pace on burpees.

-OH Squats should feel light and smooth.