Wednesday August 18, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 3 Min:

8/6 Cal Sprint


3 Sets of:

5 Muscle Clean

5 Press

5 Push Press

5 Push Jerk
0-15 Min RT

Shoulder Press (1 – 1 – Max Reps)

15-30 Min RT

GOAL: High Intensity Day

1 @ 75%

1 @ 85%

Max Reps @ 95%

-Fight hard for your last few reps, but do not fail.

-If we don’t know our 1 RM use a conservative number.

-We should be in the range of 2-3+ reps at this weight.

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

2 RFT:

15 Clean and Jerk @ 135/95 lbs

15 Box Jump Overs


Rest 1:1

For Time:

15 Clean and Jerk @ 135/95 lbs

15 Box Jump Overs

30-55 Min RT

GOAL: Muscle Endurance

-Each section for time.