Wednesday May 8, 2019

Warm Up 174 (No Measure)

EMOM 9 mins:
Min 1: 100m run
Min 2: 10 PVC front squats
Min 3: 10 pushups


10 PVC rotations
Lacrosse ball rolling (lats, traps, shoulders)

Squat Clean (E2MOM for 10 mins)

Low hang squat clean 3 reps @ 75%.
Focus on keeping the hips low and maintaining the same back angle as you move through the lift.

Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

E4MOM for 4 rounds:
18 pistol squats
6 strict HSPU
3 bar muscle ups

Record time for each round.
Scale 1:
10 pistol squats
10 kipping HSPU
1 BMU/10 C2B

Scale 2:
10 Pistol squat progressions/leg
10 L-Sit DB Press (modify as needed but challenge yourself)
10 Ring Rows (hard)/jumping C2B