Warm-up (No Measure)
Cardio: 3 mins
Mobility: 1-2 mins
2 sets of:
10 PVC rotations
10 OH squats
10 PVC strict press
10 thrusters
2 wall walks
DB press complex (6-6-6-6-6 (per arm))
With 1 arm at a time:
1 DB snatch
2 DB push press
3 DB push jerk
then switch arms and do the same weight with the other arm
All 6 reps must be performed unbroken. Start light and build to your heaviest set, challenge yourself while maintaining form.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 10 Min:
Max Double Unders
-Every time you break you perform 3 TGU per arm @ 53/35
Score is total number of reps. If you are progressing at DU potentially choose a certain numbers of trips until you’d transition to DU.
Variation 1:
@ 35/25
Variation 2:
@ 25/15
single unders