Friday November 22, 2019

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Good luck to all of our Athletes competing at Fraser Valley Throwdown this weekend!!!

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 1-2 Min


Metcon (No Measure)

AMRAP 40 Min:


-Every 5 minutes perform one of the following

-6 MU (bar/ring)

-50′ HS Walk

-15 T2B

-15 C2B

-15 HSPU

-30 Push Ups

-30 Air Squats

-6/6 Pistols

-15 Burpees

-30 Lunges

You are really free to choose any movement on the 5 min interval. Change the cardio you are doing after every 5 min interval.