Monday August 2, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Note: There is only an 8am and 9:15am class today

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds:

50 single skips

7 barbell clusters

7 beat swings

7 box jump step down

100m run
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (Time)


For Time, with a Partner:

100 double unders

100 front squats

100 toes to bar

100 push press

100 box jumps

100 power cleans

1000m run
-split the reps up however you like with 1 athlete working at a time (except DU, see below).

-RX barbell 115/75#.

-the DU are treated like a buy-in. Both partners complete 100 reps each, working at the same time, but you do not move to the next movement until both partners are finished.

-scale barbell weight and/or reps to 75,60 as appropriate.