Monday January 18, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 2021 (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 min

Mobility: 2 Min


2-3 Rounds of 5-10 Reps

-Push Up/Push Variation

-Pull Up/Pulling Variation

-Sit Up/Core Variation

-Air Squat/Squat Variation

-WOD Movement
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM 10 Min:

Odd: 15/12 Cal Row

Even: 3-5 Squat Snatch @ 60%
15-30 Min RT

Goal: Barbell cycling under fatigue.

-Focus on turnover speed. Lock your elbows quickly.

-Drop the number of calroies on the assault bike.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 10 Min:

15 OHS @ 95/65 lbs

15 T2B

Rest 3 Min

Max Reps T2B

Max Reps OHS
30-55 Min RT

Goal: Improve performance in Gymnastics+light weightlifting workouts.

-Stay around 80-85% effort.

-Be wise and break up OHS early.

-Use a close grip on the T2B to reduce shoulder stress.

Metcon (No Measure)

Cool Down:

-Forearm Stretching