Monday January 4, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 2 Min


3 Sets of:

5/5 Single Leg Hip Thrusts

5 Deadlift

5 Muscle Clean

5 Kang Squats
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 10 Min:

10 T2B

8 Deadlift @ 115/75

6 Hang Power Clean 115/75


Metcon (Weight)

6 Min to find a heavy:

3 Hang Clean
15-45 Min RT

Goal: Improve ability to lift heavy after a workout.

The Metcon will be grippy. Split up T2B early if your grip has a tendency to fatigue.

The weight should be such that you can go unbroken on the barbell for several rounds.

Metcon (Weight)

Zercher Hold:

4 x 30 Sec

-Rest as needed
45-55 Min RT