Monday June 24, 2019

Warm Up 39 (No Measure)

1 Min Plank
x4 lengths Bear Crawl
15 Beat Swings
15 PVC Overhead Squats
15 Banded Pull Through
10 Banded Side Step (/side)

RDL and Row (5 x 14)

5 Sets of:
6 Pendlay Row

Rest as needed between sets

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

2 Rounds of:
AMRAP 6 Min:
6 Hang Clean @ 95/65
6 Thrusters
12 T2B

Rest 3 Min between Sets of AMRAPS
This is all about transitions in this workout. Aim for unbroken sets, especially on the barbell.

Scale 1:
@ 75/55
Hanging leg raises or 6 T2B

Scale 2:
@ 55/35
Sit Ups