Warm Up 86 (No Measure)
5 Min of KB Complex:
w/ 1 arm alternating
Deadlift, Clean
Deadlift, Clean, Press
10 Bird Dog w/ Abduction (/side)
20 Dead Bug
Strict Pullups
1 attempt, all out effort, max rep strict pullups
You are not letting go of the bar. You are going until your chin physically can no longer get over the bar.
Strict HSPU
1 attempt, all out effort, max rep strict handstand pushups
Same strategy as the pullups. If you cannot do RX strict HSPU add ab mats instead of switching to kipping
Metcon (Time)
6 RFT:
1 minute max calorie row
20 wall balls 20/14
rest 30 seconds
*20 minute time cap*
score for time but record calories rowed in notes.
Metcon (No Measure)
75 GHD situps
scale to weighted situps