Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Regular Saturday class times today – 8:00am and 9:00am
Poster Warm Up (No Measure)
-Pick a Row, Run or Skip
-Pick three movements and do 15 reps.
-Vary movements each workout.
-5 min mobility
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2 For Time:
100 Double Unders (Weighed Plate Plank)
50 Pull ups (Overhead plate hold)
100 OH Plate Walking lunges @ 45/35
50 Plate Sit Ups @ 45/35
100 G2OH w/ Plate @ 45/35
50 Plate Sit Ups @ 45/35
100 OH Plate Walking Lunges @ 45/35
50 Pull ups (Overhead Plate Hold)
100 Double Unders (Weighted Plate Plank)
-Share one plate between two partners. Plate cannot rest on ground at any time (the touch on the G2OH/Sit Ups doesn’t count). If plate rests on ground partners do 10 burpees each. GO!
Scale DU’s as needed or to 300 SU’s