Thursday July 21, 2022

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Squat Snatch

15-30 Min RT

GOAL: Priming near max effort Snatch

Work up to a heavy single rep (90%) using the following progression:

Power + Squat

3 + 2 @30-50%

3 + 2 @60%

1 + 2 @70%

1 @80%

1 @90%

-Rest 2 to 3 mins between sets.

-Do not attempt or reach your 1RM today!

-Perform 3 high box jumps between each effort to keep your explosiveness primed.

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

E6MOM x 3 sets:


1 rope climb

15 thrusters @75/55#

3 bar muscle ups*
30-55 Min RT

-The thruster weight should be light enough that you are able to go unbroken each round.

-The scale for BMU today will be banded strict offset pullups. As you pull, you will transition to pushing off your lower hand.