Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 177 (No Measure)
90 Sec Slow-Mod Cardio
7/7 Single KB Front Rack Lunges
7/7 Single KB Clean
25’/25′ Single KB OH Carry
50′ Broad Jump
30 Sec Goblet Squat
Clean and Jerk (6 x (2+1))
1-2 @ 65%
3-4 @ 70%
5-6 @ 75%
Metcon (Time)
4 RFT:
15 T2B
15 KBS @ 53/35 lbs
400m Run
Rest 1 Min
**16 Min Time Cap**
We must have rounds less the 3 min in length, excluding rest. If your first round of work is more the 3 min then lower volume, weight, reps, etc…
Scale 1:
300m Run
Scale 2:
12 @ 35/35
12 Knee Raises/Sit Ups
200m Run