Monday June 10, 2019

Warm Up 176 (No Measure)

10/8 Cal Row
8 Burpees
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Plank Rocks
10 Scap Push Ups

Metcon (Time)

10 RFT:
6 Deadlifts @ 60-70%
6 Box Jumps @ 30/24″, no rebound
6 Alt. DB Snatch @ 50/35
**18 Min Time Cap**

This workout is all about quality. We want each movement executed with purpose and care. NO REBOUND on the box jumps.

Scale 1:
@ 24/20″
@ 35/25

Scale 2:
@ 20/16″
@ 25/15

Metcon (No Measure)

Tall Kneeling Medball Throw against wall
3 Sets/Side (6 Total sets)
30 Sec On
60 Sec Off
-Choose a weight that is challening but allows us to work for all 30 sec.