Warm Up 158 (No Measure)
1-2 Min Run/Row/Bike
10 KBS
5 1 Arm KB Push Press/side
50′ 1 Arm OH KB Walk/side
10 Worlds Greatest Stretch/side
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 10:
2 Power Cleans +
1 Split Jerk
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
E2MOM x 5
15 BBJO @ 24/20
12 C2B
Transition quickly and stay methodical. Scale appropriately to give yourself rest. If you don’t have at least 30 sec of rest in the first round lower the reps.
Scale 1:
10 Pull Ups or 8 C2B
Scale 2:
10 @ 20/16″
8 Modified Pull Ups or 12 Ring Rows