Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 150 (No Measure)
Run/Row/Bike 3 Min
then 2 RNFT:
25′ Banded Side Walk w/ KB in Front Rack /side
5/Side Single KB Bent Over Row
5/Side Single KB Front Squat
5/Side KB Windmill
10/Side Worlds Greatest Stretch
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 12 Min
Odd: 4-8 Rope Pull Ups
Even: 6-8 Ring Dips
Scale Reps as needed but keep the same for each movement.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15 Min:
9 Power Clean @ 155/105
15 T2B
21 Box Jump @ 24/20″
50′ HS Walk
Count each 5′ of HS Walk as a rep if you end on it.
Scale 1:
7 @ 115/85
11 Freestanding HS Kick Ups
Scale 2:
7 @ 75/55
11 Hanging Leg Raises
17 @ 20/16″
11 Inch Worms