Wednesday May 23, 2018

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 40 (No Measure)

2:00 Min Double Unders/Skipping

20 PVC Thrusters

20 PVC Pass Throughs

20 Duck Walks (half forward/back)

10 Superman (holding PVC)

10 Hollow Hold (holding PVC)



10 Hydrant w/ leg extension (/side)

10 Rainbows (/side)

Deadlift (3 reps EMOM for 8 minutes)

70-80% of 3RM

These are for quality, maintain back alignment.

Metcon (Time)

4 rounds:

50 air squats

30 hang power cleans @ 95/65lb

20 toes to bar

*20 min time cap.
Scale 1:

50 air squats

30 hang power cleans @ 75/55lb

15 toes to bar

Scale 2:

40 air squats

30 hang power cleans at 55/35lb

20 knee raises

Metcon (No Measure)

Accessory work (if time permits):

4 rounds:

15 body saws

15 hip extensions