Warm Up 43 (No Measure)
10 Ground to Overhead @ 45/35
8 Beat Swings
6 Inch Worms
30 sec kb Squat Pose
30 sec Crab Pose
Back Squat (4 x 4 @ 80ish%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM 20:
Odd – 8 Snatch @ 75/55 + 24 DU
Even – 8/6 Cal Row + 5 Burpee
We must transition quickly from the first to second movements within the minute.
Scale 1:
@ 55/35 + 16 DU or 48 SU
6/5 + 4
Scale 2:
@ 55/35 SDHP + 48 SU
5/4 + 3