Warm Up 81 (No Measure)
30 Hand-to-hand Swing
20 Alternating floor press
20 Clean & jerk,
20 Goblet squat
20 Halo
Deadlift (8×2)
-Pause 3 seconds at knee
-Explode to full extension
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15 min:
3 Wall Climbs
100′ Quadruped Crawl
16 Burpee to target
Scale 1:
2 Wall Climbs
12 Burpees
Scale 2:
3 laying to leg supported on box
50′ Quadruped Crawl
10 Burpees
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
5x 12/10 Cal
max effort each round for time
rest as needed