Monday, October 26th 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds

30sec Row or Bike @increasing intensity on each min

30sec Full squat T-spine rotation


1 set

-5 Jerk dips*

-5 push press

-5 jerk drops

-5 Front squats

-5 tall cleans

-5 Tempo clean & jerks*

*Tempo the pull on the clean and the dip on the jerk in order to drive off of a stable base


A: Clean and Jerk (4 x 1+1+1)

4 sets

1 Clean pull

1 Hang Squat Clean

1 Push Jerk



B: Metcon (Time)

6 rounds of:

10 Cal Bike or Row

10 KB Swings 53/35

Cool down

200m Walk @ easy

Accumulate 1-2 minutes in Child’s pose