Tuesday May 17, 2022

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

3-4 Sets

3 Pause Push Press

3 Pause Power Jerk

4 HSPU w/ Negative

*pause 2sec in the dip and 2sec overhead on every rep

Rest 90-120 Sec
15-30 Min RT

*HSPU Scale – Pike Strict HSPU

*HSPU Progression – for advanced athletes perform a KIP back to the top of each rep after pausing briefly with your head touching the floor

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

For Time


Strict Barbell Press @ 95/55lbs

*4-8 Unbroken Toes to Bar After Every Set

Rest 2mins

For Time


Barbell Row @ 135/85lbs

Parrallette Push-Up or Push Up
30-55 Min RT

*Aim to get each of these done in under 8mins. Adjust weight as needed.

**The Pressing sets are going to be extremely taxing. Consider breaking up your sets early so you don’t gas out half way.
